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Minimalist Hospital Bag Checklist

Packing a hospital bag can be overwhelming. A minimalist approach is to bring only the essentials to ensure you have what you need without the excess. Here's a checklist of minimalist essentials for your hospital bag.

For Mom

Identification and Hospital Paperwork
Remember to carry your ID, insurance card, and any required hospital paperwork.
Pack a robe, slippers, socks, and an outfit to wear home. You'll also want a couple of nursing bras and underwear.
Bring travel-sized toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, face wash, and lip balm.

For Baby

Pack a couple of onesies, a swaddle, socks, and a hat. Don't forget an outfit for the trip home.
Car Seat
Most hospitals won't let you leave by car without one.

For Partner

Snacks and Drinks
Bring enough to keep your energy levels up.
Change of Clothes
A change of clothes and basic toiletries will keep your partner comfortable during their stay.

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